“Bringing back accountability for government officials.”

Fri, 17 Jul 2020

BlueChecks was a passion project where a team of 4 engineers decided to, given the nature of our economic/political climate, create a mobile application which would track and rate interactions with government officials - namely the police.

During this uneasy time, we felt that being able to provide an unbiased review of an police interaction would lead to more transparency given the state we are living in.

Given the rise of mobile, React Native was opted for the platform of choice. We also decided to couple that with Google FireBase as a robust backend which could serve as authentication, database (DBaaS), and as storage for user uploaded photos.

I was tasked with authentication, the post page, along with setting up the layout of the application which utilized React Navigation.

Knowing the power of live human interaction, I later implemented a chatroom feature which could allow users to interact with others in real time.

Currently we are still beta-testing our application but be on the look out for deployment.

Jordan Chun